Levels I, II, and III run concurrently, with classes meeting from 8:00 - 4:30.
All Levels include individual courses in the following areas:
- Song repertoire, children's singing games, and song analysis
- Methodology and philosophy of the Kodály approach
- Musicianship and aural skills development
- Choral conducting skills
- Daily choral ensemble
All students begin with Level I in the first summer, then continue to next levels in future summers.
As a Level I participant, you will learn strategies for beginning lesson planning, structuring classroom activities, and introducing students to music literacy skills. Participants will also improve their musicianship competence and conducting artistry, and sing adult-level music in a concert choir. Nightly homework averages between an hour and an hour and a half.
Prerequisite for Level I: None -- although a rudimentary level of music theory is helpful, particularly for the musicianship portion of the course. Please contact Christopher Roberts at [email protected] if you have questions.
As a Level II participant, you’ll continue to explore the sequential development of musical elements through long-term and daily lesson planning with an emphasis on the middle elementary grades (2-3), focusing on analysis and organization of classroom musical materials. Your musicianship skills will expand through increasingly difficult part-work and solfege activities, and you will further develop your understanding of instructional strategies in the choral class through score analysis and conducting technique.
Prerequisite for Level II: Level I from any nationally recognized Kodály program.
As a Level III participant, you will extend your knowledge of lesson planning with a focus on secondary choral settings, using a variety of materials from Western and non-Western musical traditions. Participants will also complete a system for the storage, use and retrieval of music for choir. Your musicianship skills will continue to grow through analysis, sight-reading, part-work, and dictation. Conducting skills will develop to include strategies for working with a small orchestra and choir. Each Level III student will prepare, rehearse, and conduct a piece for the final performance.
Prerequisite for Level III: Level II from the Kodály Levels Program of Seattle.
Unable to attend the full course? Consider this 3-day option:
Kodály Sampler. Attend the first three days of Level I. If you decide that the approach is right for you, you can switch your registration over to the full Level I by the end of the second day. Meets July 1-3, 2024, from 8:00 - 4:30.